Codebase Version Control
Using the Git version control system, DD9 will track website development in a proper environment, suitable for multiple contributors working concurrently.
Test-Driven Development
DD9’s Ruby on Rails web applications are coded according to the principles of Test-Driven Development, using tools like RSpec and Capybara. Under this methodology, a testing suite is programmed concurrently with the core application. This testing suite is often similar in scope to the core application, but this extra initial work guarantees a drastically more stable and extendable final product.
Cross-Browser, Cross-Platform Testing
DD9 sites are tested across all common modern browsers, including; Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer (current version) on both Mac & PC systems. We bring our sites to a minimum usable level for majority of legacy IE users. DD9 will test mobile-optimized sites on the most popular mobile devices, currently; iPhone/iPad.
PCI-DSS Compliance
Where possible, we reduce the burden of PCI Compliance by implementing a 3rd party solution that prevents secure credit card data from ever touching our servers while keeping us in full control of shopping cart modules. Failing that option, we can implement specific technical recommendations provided by a Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).
508 Standards
Accessibility – We code the sites for screen readers using modern, semantic markup, logical structure and screen reader internal page navigation tools. We have experience with 508 standards and can easily follow additional accessibility guidelines.
W3C Guidelines
We develop sites according to the W3C guidelines. However, we will break away from the guidelines in favor of cross-platform compatibility. DD9 sites are coded using semantic markup.